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St. Ann's Year 5 Class Page

The Year 5 Teacher is Mr Cartledge who is supported by Miss Caunter and Mrs Swift-Bate 

Useful Websites

Click on the links below to access online learning forums.

Reading plus Reading programme

Lexia Reading programme

TT Rockstars Maths homework

Google Classroom Online learning

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What can you do at home?

Reading  It is really important that your child does extra reading at home. We expect them to do a minimum of 4 reads a week at home. Your child can do 2 of their reading book plus 2 Reading Plus activities or Lexia to make the total of 4 reads. They must be logged in their reading records.

Maths Most of your child's work in maths is related to times tables so it is essential they know all their times tables. These need to be done out of order and division facts known as well. Children are expected to complete at least 25 minutes of TT Rockstars each week. TT Rockstars is set every Monday and will re-set the following Monday.

Grammar  Each week children will take home a grammar activity. This will be revision of previously taught information and will help your child retain their knowledge and improve their Literacy skills.



Our Key Texts:

Queen of the Falls by Chris Van Allsburg

Hansel and Gretel by Neil Gaiman




Properties of materials


How and why do Christians read the Bible?

Christmas - The Gospels of Matthew and Luke


  1. Roman numerals to 100
  2. Roman numerals to 1,000
  3. Numbers to 10,000
  4. Numbers to 100,000
  5. Numbers to 1,000,000 
  6. Read and write numbers to 1,000,000
  7. Powers of 10
  8. 10/100/1,000/10,000/100,000 more or less
  9. Partition numbers to 1,000,000
  10. Number line to 1,000,000
  11. Compare and order numbers to 1,000,000
  12. Round to the nearest 10, 100 or 1,000
  13. Round within 100,000
  14. Round within 1,000,000
  15. Count through zero in 1s
  16. Count through zero in multiples
  17. Find the difference (negative numbers)


Climate Zones


Anglo Saxons and The Scots


REAL PE Unit 1 and 2

Hockey and Netball


Language Angels: Phonetics 1 to 3 & Do you have a pet?

Language Angels: The Date

Art & Design Technology

Art - Wire sculpture. Artist  Pauline Ohrel

DT - Structures: Frame Structures (Woodland Shelters).   


NCCE: Computer Systems & Networks – Sharing information.

NOS: Online Reputation


African music

Christmas Nativity - Performance songs


Get Heartsmart

Don't Forget to Let Love In


If you would like to contact us regarding your child's progress, please make an appointment with the class teacher by calling the school office or by email using the form on our contact page.

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