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St Ann's Music Curriculum


Music is a powerful, unique form of communication which can change the way children feel, think and act.  Children at St Ann’s CE Primary school are invited to see themselves as musicians and to enjoy music making, in a variety of forms, throughout their primary school journey.  We intend to provide a rich music curriculum which enables pupils to engage with the foundational acts of listening, singing, performing, composing and appraising.  Through our music making we intend to increase our children’s self-confidence, foster their creativity and enable a sense of achievement.  The three Christian values of hope for a positive future, respect and perseverance help drive this curriculum.

We want our children to be able to –

  1. Play and perform in solo and ensemble contexts, using voices and playing musical instruments with increasing musicianship.                                                      
  2. Improvise and compose music for a range of purposes using the inter-related dimensions of music.
  3. Listen with attention to detail and recall sounds with increasing aural memory.
  4. Use and understand musical notations.
  5. Develop awareness of music drawn from different periods in time/ traditions and from great composers and musicians.


Music is taught in weekly lessons from year 1 to year 6.  Children follow the Music Express scheme in KS1 and KS2 which facilitates the building of musical knowledge and skill in a spiral curriculum approach. In Year 4 children are introduced to Ukulele taught through an additional whole class music lesson every week.  This is provided by Accent Music Hub. In upper KS2 the Music Express scheme is also supplemented with units of work that explore African Music and musical composition using technology.  Public performances at Harvest, Christmas and Easter along with weekly Collective Worship enable children to undertake music making ‘vertically’ across year groups.  This helps to consolidate their growth as musicians.

Music Documents

Our Music curriculum begins in the Foundation stage under the area of learning Expressive Arts and Design (Being Imaginative and Expressive). Please click on this link to view the Early Years curriculum plans for Reception and Nursery.

Learning in Music

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