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St. Ann's Year 6 Class Page

Who is in Year 6? 

The Year 6 Team: Miss Hunt, Mrs Keen and Mrs Maitland

Year 6 is a busy one as we prepare for SATs in May. However, it is still a year where there will be lots of fun with lessons in all areas of the curriculum continuing.  

Part of our role is to prepare you ready for your transition to High School so we encourage you to be more independent and responsible for your own learning whilst guiding you to make wise choices. There will be the opportunity for you to take on school responsibilities and be role models for others in school. 

Learning in Year 6

Our PE day is a Thursday and you must have your school PE kit  in school on this day. Your reading book needs to be in school every day. Please bring a water bottle into school. 

Please see below to know what you will be learning during your time in Year 6. 



Reading - Reading is an essential life skill. Please read your at least 4 times per week (at least 10 pages) and discuss what you have read including words that you didn't understand with an adult at least once a week. These reads need to be logged in reading records. Additionally, you can complete at least two Reading Plus/Lexia assignments at home. This will be checked each Friday.

Maths - There will be Century homework set for you to practise maths that you have been learning in class. It is vital that you keep practising your timestables so that you know all of these off by heart. Make sure you go on TT Rockstars to play your allocated games each week (20 minutes) and try to be the TT Rockstars Champion! These wil both be checked next Friday.   

Grammar - There will be Century homework set up for you to practise what we have been learning in class. This will help you to improve your grammar knowledge and hopefully help you to feel more confident with your writing. 

Our Learning - Autumn Term


Macbeth by William Shakespeare - setting description, letter writing, dialogue 

Can we save the Tiger? - information text, persuasive piece



Animals including Humans 

Evolution and Inheritance 



Mechanisms - CAMS to make moving toys


Phonetics 4

 Merry Christmas


Get Heartsmart!

Don't forget to let love in 


Place Value 

Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division 




Wire and Mod Roc Sculptures in the style of Alberto Giacommeti


North America 


Creative Rhythm 

Christmas Nativity Performance Songs




Life as a Journey



NCCE: Computing Systems and Networks – Communication 

NOS: Managing Online Information



The Maya


REAL PE Unit 3  - Dynamic balance/counter balance  

REAL PE Unit 1  - Ball skills/ Reaction and response  



Useful Websites

Google Classroom - Log in with your child's gwstanns email address.

Lexia - Use the teacher email 'ipads@wstanns.co.uk'

Reading Plus - reading homework with online reading passages and questions

TT Rockstars - timestables homework.

If you would like to contact us regarding your child's progress, please make an appointment with the class teacher by calling the school office or by email using the form on our contact page.

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